Today it sees that the video game consoles that are most popular are the consoles: PS3 and Xbox 360. Today I’m going to talk about something different for a change. I’m gonna talk about Black Ops for the Nintendo DS. Unlike the other consoles, the DS version is only rated T for Teen. It is, there is no blood except for blood that comes out of melee attacks about 95% of the time. DS has zombie mode for the game but no map-packs. The four zombie maps are called: House, Facility, Temple and Overlook. Each map consists of three rooms that you can unlock with points. The first room always costs 5000 points and the second room always costs 10000 points. In some cases DS zombies is harder because it only takes one hit from a zombie to kill you. Now onto multiplayer. There are about the same amount of multiplayer maps in DS as there is the console version not including DLC. It consists of maps such as: Yard, Stronghold, Graveyard, and Paddy. Each multiplayer battle can contain six people in it. You can unlock different weapons and perks depending on how many kills you have with certain weapons. In campaign, the levels are very similar to the ones on Xbox and PS3. They’re just in different settings. For instance, on Xbox 360, the second level is where you escape a Russian prison camp. In the second level on the DS version, you escape a Cuban prison facility. The storylines between DS and Xbox/PS3 are so different, yet so similar at the same time.